Monday, September 24, 2007

More Chores

I have way too many things that I want to do. Everyday I think of something else I would really like to do, or should have been doing before. These things pile up and up and before you know it you can feel overwhelmed. Amy loves gardening. I like eating. With Milo around our gardening time was seriously cut down. We idn't even have a garden we just covered it over and forgot about it. The one thing we left go was our grape vine that requires nothing special. We just left it alone. This past weekend we decided to harvest our grapes and wound up with more grapes than we really know what to do with. Now i have at least 2-3 days worth of wine making and jelly making to deal with on top of everything else. Life is so stupid when you try to do things. This may be a last blog for a bit.

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